Hi! My name is Gia. I am an 8th grader here at Blessed Trinity Catholic School. I am involved with many extra curricular activities! I am a student ambassador. As a student ambassador I am very involved with not only the school community but the church community also. We give tours to new parents who are considering our school as one of their options and we help out at school functions. Bobcat Patrol is also another group I joined. Bobcat patrol consists of 7th and 8th grade students who are dedicated on helping out, in and around our community. We host events such as our annual spring cleanup, where we collect all different types of items and we donate them to certain places. Another thing that we did this past year was collecting art supplies from students at our school and we delivered them to The Children’s Hospital Of Philadelphia. As well as helping out around school, I read the prayers over the loudspeaker every morning. It’s always a great feeling when I walk down the hallway and smile at all the younger children in our school, who know that I say the prayers.
This year is a very exciting here for all the eighth graders, as well as myself. We go on an awesome trip to Dorney Park at the end of the year, which is by far is probably what I’m most excited for! We also have an eighth grade dance, then the next day is our graduation! I’m definitely nervous to leave the place I’ve called home for the past 11 years and enter a brand new world.
I wish everyone the best of luck this year!
Gia 8th grade
Class of 2019
My name is Faith Cruz and I am an eighth grader here at Blessed Trinity. I have been attending Blessed Trinity since fourth grade. I am in a lot of activities here. I play CYO basketball and volleyball. I am a student ambassador, an office aide, in yearbook committee, in Model U.N., a peer helper, and a tutor for math club. I am also a Neumann scholar. My favorite event that Blessed Trinity has is our Christmas-sing-along. Each grade performs a song with a dance in front of the whole school. It is usually right before winter break and is held in the gym. This year, my class was the first eighth grade class to ever win the Christmas-sing-along. It was such a fun day! The teachers and students here show so much positivity even during days that seem blue. I am upset that I am graduating this year, but glad that I had a school that prepared me so well. Go bobcats!
Faith Cruz
8th grade
Class of 2017
I’m in eighth grade and one thing we are learning are multiplying and dividing inequalities. We recently took a trip to the CORA facilities to help us on job options for the future, and we learned you don’t have to go to college to be successful. The whole eighth grade is so excited to graduate in June. For our graduation, parties, and gowns, we are raising money by selling some fun Coach Bingo tickets. Our school really is an amazing environment to be in. I’ve been at Saint Tim’s/Blessed Trinity for 9 years and I’m sad to leave it but at the same time it made me the person I am today.
Mia Brown – 8th Grade
From my point of view, a Catholic education at Blessed Trinity is a blessing. The base of our Catholic education teaches everyone the importance of being a moral person, and a good Samaritan. Everything we do and say has an impact on someone’s life, whether it be ours, another student’s, an adult’s, or even a stranger’s. Our base causes the entire environment and school community to help every student grow into a respectful, intelligent, and kind person. The base of our school’s education is truly something I value, and has helped prepare me for my future. Although the base of my catholic education is to help everyone develop into a good Samaritan and moral person, it is certain that a very important part is respect. Respect is a key value of my education and school. Through my Catholic education at this school, I have learned the value and the importance of truly respecting myself and others.
Another part of my catholic education that I truly value is the traditional things Blessed Trinity celebrates and does together daily. To get into greater detail, I value the everyday lifestyle and religious environment at my school. Every day consists of journeys of faith, prayer, and highly educational lessons for all grades. Each morning starts off in the right way, by praying together, and learning about the history of the catholic church and Jesus. I have been honored to start off each day by saying stories and lessons of Jesus’ time over the loud speaker to the rest of the school. This special opportunity helps me to better understand the catholic education and background at BTCS more each day. As the day goes on, students are learning the curriculum designed to help us become academically excellent by the amazing and dedicated teachers. Therefore, the everyday lifestyle and religious environment at my school is something I truly value, and has helped shape me into a fairer, well rounded person.
To further explain, something I personally value about my catholic education is the amount of useful academic material I am being taught each year. I truly enjoy learning new things in every subject that will be needed in my future. BTCS covers a lot of learning each year, and offers an assortment of specials for all grades Pre-K-8th. The variety of learning experiences at my school help many of the students be academically advanced, and provide various opportunities to get involved in the community and social activities. Also, students in higher grades have the opportunity to get well prepared for high school and beyond. To sum this up, the academic material being taught to me at school is something I truly value and cherish, for it will come to great use in the future.
In conclusion, I truly value my catholic education being taught to me here. I will always be grateful for attending Blessed Trinity Catholic School, for it has majorly helped me become the person I am today.
By: Cindy Sako 8th grade November ’16
The first day of school is hard for everyone, even me, who has gone to Blessed Trinity for five years and Saint Tim’s for three. I found it difficult to double check that I had all of my school material while my mind was buzzing with thoughts like, what teachers am I going to get this year? Am I going to be separated from my friends? What is the new hallway and lockers going to be like? And even, what are the new students and teachers going to think of me?
The funny thing was the moment I walked into our crowded gym filled with new and old voices, I wasn’t so anxious anymore. At first I thought it was because I was put into Mr. Kelly’s class, one of my favorite teachers. Then I thought it might have been because most of my friends were still in my class.
It wasn’t until I started to plan out this blog entry that I realized the sense of peace and happiness I felt when beginning my school year wasn’t because one solitary thing, it was the presence of home. I had missed everything about Blessed Trinity, so much that I barely minded that I now have to wake up at 6:30 AM every morning for the next few months.
After going to BTRCS for a bit you start to realize that if you give it all you’ve got it’s almost impossible to fail. There’s always going to be that one student who will kindly walk you to class, or that one teacher who won’t mind giving up his or her free time to make sure you understood the events of the previous lesson. At Blessed Trinity there’s always someone, you’re never alone. And if you do feel alone, be bold, stand up at recess and try to start a conversation with your neighbor. I’m positive you’ll make a new friend.
You see that’s what I felt like when I began another school year, I felt I was reunited with my family for another school year. Because for me, Blessed Trinity isn’t just some worn out set of buildings I’m forced to go to every day, or a group of strangers I’m forced to spend my day with. Blessed Trinity is my home, Blessed Trinity is my family, and I will forever be grateful.
By: Allyson Velez Grade 7 Room 211 September ’16
During my 7th grade year, I have had the opportunity to be a part of a family. One of my favorite things about 7th grade was the teachers. The teachers have taught me many life lessons during each school day. They have taught me how to be a better person and how to be a mature young lady. The teachers help us learn life lessons through fun activities. Being a part of 7th grade, we were offered many opportunities to express ourselves. For example, we got to be a part of Philly Young Play Wrights, Shalom Inc., and got offered a chance to win a scholarship for next year. Seventh grade was full of welcoming students. This year I was able to make so many great memories that I will cherish forever. Also, this year I got to build relationships with new students and old students. During my 7th grade year, I have learned to love and respect my fellow classmates and teachers. I would like to thank everyone who helped me grow as a person and who have helped me spread my wings and try things outside of my comfort zone. Seventh grade is one year I will never forget.
By: Meadow Basileo, Room 209, June ’16
During my 7th grade school year, I was very fortunate to be a part of many school activities. So, to start off the end of the school year, we have had a lot of fun activities such as Blue & White Day. For example, we had an enormous petting zoo with a bunch of exotic animals that all the children loved. We also, had a huge bouncy house that everyone enjoyed with its blow up slide. We played many fun games such as volleyball, basketball, soccer, and wiffle ball. Another thing is that we had a lot of time to dance to the songs of our amazing DJ, while enjoying the ice cream we were given as treats. The 7th grade girls were also working very hard on writing full plays the whole year with Miss Katie, from Philly Young Play Wrights, and got them read by professional Philadelphia actors recently, which every single play was amazing! Also, congratulations to 8th grade who graduated on Wednesday along with the Pre-K graduation on Monday, and Kindergarten on Tuesday. We all know the last day is so close yet so far on Friday for 1st grade through 7thgrade. Lastly, we all are anxious to get out but then again sad we are going to leave our amazing faculty and staff!
By: Kyleigh Kilgallon, Room 209, June ’16
Now that it’s the end of the school year, we are getting ready for a new beginning. Seventh grade was a great year but it is now coming to an end. Also, as we are going into 8thgrade, we are starting a new chapter in our lives. I am very ecstatic to be one of many great leaders next year. I am proud to say that I have been a part of this school for 9 years and next year is going to be my 10th. I am exhilarated to be offered many opportunities to get a high school scholarship and more opportunities to look into more high schools. I have a big advantage going into 8th grade because I have a lot of good friends that were previous 8th graders that have taught me multiple life lessons. Finally, I am excited but also sad about leaving 7th grade, though it has prepared me for 8th grade.
By: Hailey Bickel, Room 209, June ’16
Hi my name is Julia Arnold and I am a seventh grader at Blessed Trinity. I have been at this school since I was in kindergarten and it’s like my second home. I met some of my best friends here and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. I don’t know where I would be without them.
As the school year gets close to an end, a lot of things are going on. Our school recently started a shoe drive to help two young children, Sophia and Wesley, get a service dog. Students in all grades are being asked to bring in old shoes that don’t fit or we don’t wear anymore. The family will turn the shoes in for money and hopefully be able to afford a service dog.
On May 20th our school will be having a Dance of the Decades. You come dressed as your favorite decade. I’ll be dressed as a biker chick from the ‘50’s with one of my friends. It’s $5 to get in and all proceeds go towards new science technology for 7th and 8th grade.
Besides stuff like that, I have a few things going on myself. Everyone in 7th grade is being offered a scholarship. We have to write an essay and if we are chosen we will be awarded a $1,250 scholarship for 8th grade. The scholarship is in memory of a St Tim’s alumni. I was also chosen to illustrate one of the programs our school offers, Reading Olympics. I’ll paint a picture, along with other student’s artwork, which will go into a book we’re making about the school. I’m also writing an essay to, hopefully, become a tour guide for Blessed Trinity next school year. We have a lot to do before 8th grade!!
Hi, my name is Karley Souza and I am an 8th grade student at Blessed Trinity. I’ve been in this wonderful school since 5th grade when I transferred from Pope John Paul II. Since then, I’ve made many friends and met many great people. Sadly, this is my last year here and graduation is just a few weeks away.
Although there are many things going on right now in 8th grade, almost all of our minds are set on graduation. Of course, we are also thinking about the dance or our Phillies trip, but graduation is the biggest worry. Not only will it be a scary experience, but it will also be one of the biggest life change we will go through.
Most of us are scared for high school. We’re worried about if we’ll see our friends again or if our freshman year will be hard. All I can do is hope for the best and see what life brings me. I wish the best for my friends, the teachers and the future 8th grade class. I will miss Blessed Trinity dearly!
My name is Kaitlyn Kitchenman and I’m an 8th grade student here at Blessed Trinity. I have been attending school here since Pre-K. Attending school here at Blessed Trinity has been such a wonderful experience for me. I feel that if I had attended any other school I wouldn’t have made the wonderful friends that I have today.
Since I’m in 8th grade it is sadly my last year here at Blessed Trinity. The work in 8th grade can get pretty tough sometimes, but with the help from our wonderful teachers we can understand our work easier. The 8th grade math we are working with is substitution and elimination problems. As many of you know, math is a pretty hard subject, but with an amazing teacher who will give you help when you need it you should be fine. In ELA, we just finished up with our research papers. They were really fun to write because we got to pick our topics.
Graduation is closer than it seems. I’m really going to miss going to school at Blessed Trinity but I’m actually happy to be starting high school in the Fall. I feel that Blessed Trinity has prepared me for high school. Blessed Trinity started preparing me for high school when they decided to separate the girls from the boys in the upper grades. At first I didn’t realize that’s how it’s going to be in high school since I’m attending St Hubert’s in September. If you’re ever trying to figure out where to send your child, send them to Blessed Trinity because it is truly an amazing school.
I think Blessed Trinity is a wonderful school. I am Adam and I am in fourth grade. I first came here in 2011. My Kindergarten teacher was Mrs Ciabattoni. Mrs O’Connor was my first grade teacher in 2012, which was the first year we became Blessed Trinity School.
Now my teacher is Mrs. King. She is a very nice teacher. My favorite special is gym. We are learning how to play basketball. I also enjoy Spanish and Library. We are making snowflakes in Art to decorate our school. In Music class, we are decoding music notes.
Science class is very cool. We are using triple beam balances. Technology is awesome. I can type faster than I could before. ELA is not always easy, but it is interesting.
I was selected for Honors Math this year. We are learning long division. Social Studies is cool. We are learning about the Native American tribes who lived in Pennsylvania.
When I grow up, I am going to send my kids to this school.
My name is Lindsay Nolasco, and I am in fourth grade. My teacher is Mrs. King. This is my first year in Blessed Trinity School, and I really enjoy it. I attended two other schools before coming to Blessed Trinity. Blessed Trinity is special, and I thank God for leading me to this school.
I enjoy learning Math, Social Studies, Religion, and Reading. It is fun just like our specials are fun.
I have learned challenging vocabulary words and their definitions. In Math, I have been estimating products and multiplying. Our Music teacher, Mrs. Radley is pretty and nice. She is showing us how to read and write music notes.
I enjoy learning at Blessed Trinity School with teachers who really care about their students.
My name is Lea Newman. I am in Mrs. King’s fourth grade class, and she is the best teacher ever. I came here in 2011 and I am happy that I did.
I love waking up and coming to Blessed Trinity School because there are so many welcoming faces. My favorite subject is Social Studies because we get to learn about what happened in the past and what lands explorers have discovered. Right now we are learning about the Native American tribes, how they lived, and how they got their food. Soon we will learn about the Revolutionary War.
In Religion class, we learn about the Ten Commandments and the Works of Mercy. We perform Works of Mercy to help the homeless, hungry, and sick. We collected canned goods for the hungry in November, and coloring books and crayons for sick children in December. This is optional, but most families are happy to share with those in need. This school is the greatest school in the whole world. I love this school! 2011 to 2015 have been the best years of my life. I am thankful for the friendships I have made at Blessed Trinity. I cannot imagine my life without the people at my school.
Another thing I love about this school is when we have our Christmas Sing-a-long in the Gym. Every grade gets to sing and the judges pick winners.
I love learning and being part of the activities at Blessed Trinity School. When people smile at me, I feel like this is a bully free zone. I love this school so much, I can wait to see what happens next.
“What’s Going On In Grade 3”
When I get to school in the morning I practice cursive. My cursive is a lot better now because I know how to form all my letters and write faster.
This year we have 20 words for spelling. I like spelling because I am very good at it. The words are easy for me to sound out.
Math class is fun because I am really good at subtraction and addition. I am excited about learning the times tables soon.
In social studies we are learning about maps, the continents, oceans, cardinal directions, map keys, and symbols. I learned that Alaska is the largest state.
I like science because we are learning about the states of matter, buoyancy, density, and weight. The experiments that we do in the lab are fun too. We change the shape of matter to see what will float or sink. First, we make our predictions and then we do the experiment and write the results down in our Lab Learner book.
In ELA the stories are really interesting. My favorite one so far is “The Babe and I”. It’s the story of a little boy in Brooklyn, NY who helps his family during the Great Depression by selling newspapers. In 1932 Babe Ruth was the best baseball player in the world. The boy was able to sell lots of newspapers because he would call out the latest news and home runs that Babe hit for the New York Yankees.
I like religion. Right now we have learned about Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead and how the early Church began with the help of the 12 apostles.
In art class I learned about Picasso. Everyone in our grade made faces out of paper bags. Our art work is being displayed all over the school and some of the faces are fantastic!
I like the teachers and think Blessed Trinity is one of the best schools in Philadelphia. I hope the governor passes the budget soon so we can get our books.
Christopher Somers – Grade 3 Rm. 2
November ’15
This week at Blessed Trinity we had lots of fun things to do! Today we got to wear our Debbie and Chloe shirts to support Chloe and her Mom. We also had a Dance-a-thon for them a couple weeks ago. Also in third grade we are learning about the continents and oceans. It’s really fun! Starting today, we can buy pretzels every Friday for $.50 to raise money for the school musical. We also have new lunchrooms. It’s really great, because we get to eat with our grade so all of our friends are there. Then when we are done eating lunch we get to go outside and play games. Blessed Trinity is a great school!
Caroline Teel, Mrs. Pfeiffer’s 3rd grade class
October ’15
I have learned a lot in my time at Blessed Trinity. To be honest, I do not think that I would be the person I am today had I not spent the past 9 years of my life enrolled in Saint Timothy’s and Blessed Trinity. Aside from receiving a stellar Catholic education, I have learned to become a better Catholic and a better person. I have also made friends that will last a lifetime.
I am very grateful for what my school has done for me. It has provided me with many experiences that I will never forget. Although I am graduating next month, I hope that I will be able to repay Blessed Trinity for everything it has provided me with.
Nick Zaccario, Blessed Trinity Class of ’15
May 2015