Our Class Code for online ordering is: H69X2
All orders are submitted and paid for online.
catalog book orders are due
Robes will be distruibuted once they arrive if you are up to date on tuition and your graduation fee.
Graduation Pictures: March 18
All students wear their uniforms under their robes. Pictures will be taken first thing on picture day. The group picture is first. If you are not here on time, you will not be in the group picture. This is NOT a dress down day.
Dance Dress Code June 9
Boys: Dress pants, dress shoes (no sneakers), dress shirt (no polos/T-shirts), tie.
Jackets are NOT necessary.
Girls: Dress of appropriate length and coverage with straps or sleeves, dress shoes
Graduation Dress Code for Graduation Mass: June 11 at 7pm
Boys: Dress pants, dress shoes, WHITE dress shirt (no polos/T-shirts), tie, with robe over clothing
Girls: Dress with straps/sleeves or skirt and shirt (no pants), dress shoes (flats are suggested) with robe over clothing.
Students who are not dressed appropriately for graduation will sit with the congregation and not be allowed to walk and sit with their class.
Graduates should report to the lower church by 6:40. Each graduate will have reserved seating for two guests. Other guests must sit in the open pews in church. These pews are on a first come-first serve basis. Once seating plans are finalized, a chart will be sent to parents and pews will be marked on graduation day.